Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ten Day delay in Return

My return has been delayed ten days until the new full time dietitian can start. Hopefully that will put my flight on the night of the 19th Friday arriving on the 20th Saturday. The new RD was delayed in giving her notice so they asked me to stay. Also the joint commission consultant asked me to stay and the CEO asked me to stay. So you have to stay. We will probably have Joint Commission next week.

Also I think I gave you an incomplete address before and did not give you APT 4.
Don't expect any mail, but just wanted to let you know.

Today it is off to the Alaskan Native Theater. I am so excited. This is why I came. There will be Mask Dancers, Story, and Alaskan Native Theater. A full day's program. Three others are joining me. Travelers.

Last night we "walked" to the strip mall and had a delicious Chinese dinner. There is also the Blue FOX non smoking bar. My new travelling friend searched them out.

Currently I am sitting in front of my light box which has been a life/soul saver for mer. Thirty minutes a day.

Kindly, Paulette

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