Monday, July 19, 2010

Animals of the Bay Area

The buck, deer, and fawn live around the condos at the Village where cousin Caroline lives. Also frequently seen are wild turkeys. You can tell they have sophisticated appetites.

Point Lobos State Reserve

The long-necked, all-black sea birds are cormorants. Two specieis next here--the Brand's Cormorant, which forms a large colony on Bird Island and the Pelagic Cormorant, which nexts in small groups down the side of cliffs and rocks.

The dark brown or black mamals are the California Sea Lions.

The name "Point Lobos" refers to sea lions and their barking. The earlier Spanish namae was punta de los Lobos Marinos" translalting to the "Point of the Sea Wolves"

Habor Seals are much smaller than sea lions and look like swollen cigars 5-6 feet long. Their color varies f rom light gray or tan to almost black, and they are nearly always spotted. unlike sea lions, their ears are not visible, and the short rear flippers, shich point aaway from the body, are unsuited for moving about on land. These usually silent animals frequently bask on rocks just above the water where a quick getaway is possible. Harbor Seals like here all year. Their pups, born on shoreline rocks and beaches in April and May, can swim almost from birth and require only a few weeks of maternal care.
Sea Lions of Point Lobos
Baby Seagulls
Community of Birds in a Circle Protecting Their Young
Running Fawns

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